Theo Pak

senior software engineer

I care about building great products with inclusive teams

lately my focus is on React and Javascript

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a really cool bicycle, and also Theo Pak


JWT Authentication in a Web Service

Using services based on open standards, you can stand on the shoulders of existing infrastructure to secure your API. And it’s so easy that an end-to-end demo fits on this page.

Have Fun at Hackathons

You can win huge cash prizes by exploiting hackathons—and that’s not even hard—but the way to maximize your return on time isn’t a trick at all: meet new people, have fun, and maybe ship a product.


selected work

Cimpress Open Developer Portal In 2017 I co-designed and built the Cimpress-Vistaprint Developer Portal and billing frontend, and helped it grow to include hundreds of microservices. swagger-ui-cimpress An open-source developer tool used in the Cimpress-Vistaprint API Explorer. This fork helped us gain support within the company for API self-documentation. react-parallax-card React component for a 3D card with parallax effects similar to Apple TV app icons. Walk With Me The security of your best friends, even when they're not around. Facebook and Uber prizes at PennApps X hackathon. Picks for iPhone Find your best pictures and get rid of the rest. Top 10 at PennApps W15 hackathon. Interactive visualization of drought, rainfall patterns, and US agriculture. Angular.js app with Altan Gulen. RPI EHC I did talks and organized events while President of the Embedded Hardware Club at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Theo Pak

[email protected]
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